CrossFit Over 40

WODs, Diet, Crossfit OldTown Gossip and Lifestyle Ramblings by MarkyD

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What's up Doc?

I dragged my MRI into the Ortho Dr, and he gave it a careful look. Good news is that he thinks surgery is a last resort and most likely not needed for me. Bad news, he wants me to lay off the heavy lifts - especially the overhead lifts. Take some anti-inflammatories and get rehab 3x a week on the ol' rotator cuff. See you in a month.

Doc, why don't you just kick me too. I love lifting heavy weights, and especially overhead. No heavy clean, no snatches, no oh squats, no jerks, etc... Guess I am going to be subbing in box jumps and burpees like a mother.

I did decide that I am still going to participate in FGB. I may have to use a smaller KB, but I really want to be a part of that. So I will.


  1. Hey Mark...with regard to FGB...I'd recommend trying the sumo deadlift high pulls instead of the KB. I tried them for the first time this week, and I found them to be easier at 75# than the KB at 70# because the weight is on the ends of the bar and not right under your hands. Might be easier on the shoulder. Get better soon.


  2. Thank you Hazen. I will definitely try that. And I certainly plan on getting better, although sitting out, or subbing out, is hard to do.
