CrossFit Over 40

WODs, Diet, Crossfit OldTown Gossip and Lifestyle Ramblings by MarkyD

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Melissa's 33rd BDay WOD

2,3,4,5,6,5,4,3,2 = 34 of
Muscle ups, thrusters and snatches

This was brutal. 34 muscle ups in a wod is tough. Adding thrusters and snatches is 3x the pain. Suggested weights were between 95# and 135#. I chose 95# due to the snatches - 135# is my PR. But they were easier than I expected at 95#. I should have gone 115#.

The muscle ups were tough. At one point I got 5 in a row, which is a pr. But then fatigue set in, and I was failing. Overall, I was gasping a lot and trying to get over the failed reps - so I waited around a little.

Time 18:59.

If I had gone 115# I suspect it may have added 1 minute.

Melissa gamely tried some of this with a vest. She is a bad ass and a trooper. That seems nearly impossible. I think she got half with the vest and half without. She is the coach for most classes I take, and I owe her a lot. It was great to suffer through this in her honor.

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