CrossFit Over 40

WODs, Diet, Crossfit OldTown Gossip and Lifestyle Ramblings by MarkyD

Friday, February 05, 2010

Murph +20#

First Friday and snowtacular 2010. With this week being my 1 year CF anniversary, I wanted to do something a little extra special on First Friday. There are workouts harder than Murph with a 20# vest, but not too many as long. Last time I did this, it took me an hour and 7 minutes. Today, 59 minutes and change. And frankly, I could have gone a little faster if I was not consumed with the wardrobe changes between the runs and the indoor portion. It was cold out, so I suited up in long pants, sweatshirt, hat and gloves. Probably burned a minute each on that.

Otherwise, it felt good. On the last run, I felt really good as far as my lungs, but my speed was not great. After all those squats,

(see my awesome squat form->)

it is like running in pudding. With a hoodie over the weight vest, and me going so slow, I was feeling self conscious when another jogger passed me and
looked over at me. I am so vain. I would have loved to have torn off the vest and sprinted past him, but that is ridiculous. Maybe it is because when I started CF, the 20# was actual fat around my middle and I was a slow ass runner. Now I am slimmer, and only moderately slow. I do love that a sub 8 minute mile is considered slow in this group. For me 10 was the old pace btw.

Also, I ripped my hands pretty good, but that will happen when you do 100 pullups with 20#.

(I foolishly only added this little bit of tape on my right thumb near the end. Otherwise, I was tape free - which is plain stupid ------>)

It was good to see so many good showings at CFOT today. Stuart and Mike did Linda aka "Three Bars of Death" I want to give that a go some time. Katie did Josh and then proceeded to spoon with the bar. True puppy love. Matt did Cindy and is making some serious damn progress. Some of the new people, who frankly I do not even know (shame on me) were putting out some serious efforts too. Good stuff.

Later in the day I fell asleep on the couch for half and hour. Spontaneous nap is always a good sign.

Thanks Jerry, Melissa, Danya Danny and Keturah for all your help this year. Andrea and Chriss too. Not to mention I will miss them at the box. Lastly, all the other members of CFOT especially Chad, Soni and Katie, who I seem to talk CF with non stop, have been a big help in keeping me encouraged. informed and coming back for more. Thanks all.

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